Some Good News and Some Bad News

Hey everybody!

So, good news/bad news time. I’ll assume you want the bad news first. And the bad news is… *gestures to entire world*

As we feared, Covid is not getting less worrisome or more controlled. With the new quarantine rules in many states, it is highly unlikely that I will be able to travel out of state to do in-person events, even at a no-contact drive-in event. Which is a real bummer and I. Am. Sad. We are frantically working on less in-persony options.  More on that to come.* 

Here’s the good news: 

Good News Part 1:

{CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED} The How To Win An Intimate Evening With Stephenie Meyer, Your Favorite Bookstore, And Twenty Of Your Friends contest is live!**

Midnight Sun Book Tour Contest

In 500 words or less, we want to hear why you love your local bookstore!

One winner will be chosen for a private virtual hangout with me and up to 20 of your book club pals!

Each person attending the virtual hangout with me will receive a personalized signed bookplate. Plus we’ll send 50 signed bookplates to your favorite local bookstore!

The contest is open in the United States. Read the full rules here.

The contest is now closed. Thanks to all who entered!

Good News Part 2:

The virtual tour! I’ll be tuning in live with Books-a-Million and Barnes & Noble for two virtual events where I’ll do my best to answer all of your Midnight Sun questions.

Midnight Sun Virtual Tour

On August 10th at 7 pm ET, Books-a-Million will be hosting a ticketed virtual event via Crowdcast. Check out this link for how to purchase tickets. If you’ve already preordered a book from BAM, check for an email from them for a coupon code so you don’t have to buy more than one copy to attend. 

On August 14th at 7pm ET, Barnes and Noble is hosting a public virtual event via their social pages!

And finally,

Good News Part 3:

Only 25 more days till the release!  

* I know this all seems super scrambled and last minute, and it absolutely is, and I am sorry about that. None of us know how to have book events during a pandemic, and all of us realize that on a list of Important Problems in the World this specific problem is like five trillion down the list. But we’ll keep trying. 

** Sadly, for annoying legal reasons this contest is only for the U.S. Not cool, I know. We’re working with international publishers to create something just as fun for the international fans.