Hey guys,
Thank you SO much for sending in your BFF Twilight Memories. They were DELIGHTFUL. It brought back all the fun I’ve had over the years with my Twilight friends. I laughed, I cried. The only problem is how do you pick one memory as the best? They were all the best. So I picked one that seemed to encapsulate the real heart of it all. Because what if we didn’t have each other? How awful would that be?

Congratulations @twilightdreaam and @_suntopian_! You’ll be receiving the Midnight Sun Novl box, complete with matching BFF necklaces.
But there were so many other great memories. And my favorites, because I need a laugh right now (who doesn’t?), were the hilarious memories. I want to share a few of those so you can laugh, too. And, because you made us all laugh, everyone featured below is going to get a signed bookplate.