Exciting news & and a fresh new look

Hey everybody,

Welcome to the new, streamlined website. It was time to do some upgrades and simplifications. Hopefully you find it easy to navigate and access the almost twenty years of content we’ve compiled here. 

In update news, you might have heard about the new animated Midnight Sun adaptation with Netflix. I’m super excited to work with the amazing people at Netflix, and to see the world of Twilight without any of the restraints of live action. I think we’re going to be able to make something truly beautiful. But this is animation, so we’re all going to have to be extremely patient, myself included. It will take time to make this series as gorgeous as we know it can be. I will post more updates whenever I have something to share, so check back every year or so. (For more news about the cool people involved, visit Fickle Fish, my production company website.)

Hope you are all healthy and happy and reading great books! Love you all!
